Re: [-empyre-] coretext

About artist's books:

Do people make multiple copies by hand?  That's my sense of the traditional
artists's book-- something handmade by the artist in a small edition. What
I'm curious about, is whether computer produced artists' books are accepted
as artist's books...  In some ways, people might think that using a computer
is cheating, as the artwork in the book is mechanically reproduced, but
usually the book itself is hand made, in terms of cutting and folding and so

I took an artist's book printing class, and my idea for a book (which I had
made a model of by hand without eqiupment) turned out to be very expensive
to produce using letterpress printing, because the pages weren't
rectangular, and I would have had to have a die made to cut the pages into
the right shape.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "arteonline" <>
To: "soft_skinned_space" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: [-empyre-] coretext

> Another kind of get a book printed is to do it yourself. It is the
> cultivation of experimentation, the basis of neoconcrete moviment. In this
> case I am speaking about artist's books. Here in Brazil we have a
> of creating artist's book.  My own work is just this. At first I built my
> books of paper or other materials, nowadays I build it to web, so I am
> creating eletronic artist's books  . However some of my books have the two
> versions: web and print ( , pop up
> windows available).  If you want to know more about artists's books,
> at: .

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